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Fun With Refraction

I think one of the signs of getting older is that you start noticing how quickly retailers move from one "season" to the next. No sooner have the jumbo bags of Halloween candy been put back into storage when we begin seeing Thanksgiving and Christmas displays. I mention this mainly because I was out shopping last week and noticed several stores already gearing up for their "back to school" sales. Did I miss something? Didn't we just take down the Fourth of July banners and "Uncle Sam Wants YOU to Save!" Posters? Are we not allowed to enjoy even one blissful month of summertime sloth and apathy before we have to start thinking about school again?

I guess not so let's crank up the fact machine and look at this week's special. Theatre Effects has some cool new lights for those of you moving on to college this year. Those of you who already have had the pleasure of dormitory living know that most dorm rooms are about as personal as a cell in a minimum security prison.

One way to quickly add a personal touch to any room is to change the lighting. I've known people who replaced the standard-issue fluorescent lights with blacklights, or covered the fluorescent tubes with gel to reduce the harshness of those fixtures. The drawback to this approach is often getting to the fixtures themselves, as they're usually recessed into the ceiling.

For those of you who want an alternative light source without the hassle, the Mini Water Column or Crystal Light may be the solution. Each will provide a subtle glow to the room and both have color-changing filters built in to provide variety to the light. While they won't provide enough light to study by, either of these would make excellent party lights or accent lights.

For a truly unique look try using a string of miniature Christmas lights as your primary light source -- going by the current schedule they should be on sale at Target in about a week. The white lights will provide more illumination while colored strings can be used for "mood" lighting. The Crystal Light and/or Water Column can then be used as accents wherever you want a little added visibility. Try to avoid using the blinking Christmas lights as they tend to become annoying after a few minutes.

Of course, you don't have to be heading off to college to take advantage of these neat little lights. Both the Water Column and the Crystal Light would make great additions to any room where you'd like an alternate light source. Try using the Crystal Light in a centerpiece at your next party. A Water Column or two would look perfect next to an aquarium, or as a nightlight in the bathroom.

Finally, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that both lights could be used as props in your next production. Steve has already realized that the Crystal Light would make a great crystal ball for shows such as "The Wizard of Oz." The Water Column, he points out, could be used as a prop in any show (or haunted house) that features a mad scientist's lab.

Whether you're getting ready to head off to school, or planning your next show, both the Crystal Light and the Water Column can provide you with a look that's all your own. Always reasonably priced, this week's special makes them darned near impossible to resist. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to start working on our New Year's specials. 


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